About us
Idrettsforeningen Fløya
IF Fløya is an amateur sportsclub where both children and adults can play football and participate in archery.
Fløya's identity is built around voluntary work with dedicated volunteers at every level. The efforts of our volunteers are incredibly important for the activities the club can provide. Without volunteers Fløya would not exist as a club. All generations on all levels and groups contribute to a good social environment, development and joy of sports within the club. We create a good and structured space for football practices and matches. Archery has their own adapted area in the basement.
We wish to make a difference, our most important mission is to develop people and contribute to good physical and mental health. We also help those who want to become good athletes and those who use sport as a social arena.
The facilities and the area
We have an outdoors artificial turf pitch, a large sportshall with artifical pitch and a running track, a gymhall, a skating hall, indoor archery field and more. Other companies in the facility are Tromsø Treningssenter, Grønnåsenklinikken and Tromsø Karateklubb.
We are close to Tromsøhallen, Tromsø Ishall, Tennishall, Tromsøbadet and fantastic ski- and hiking terrain.
Parking and bus
We have parking fees:
● Payment is done through the app EasyPark
● Areacode: 8758
Busline 24 has a stop right next to us. Busstopname: Gjennomgangsbygget.
Short history
24th of June 1922, 16-17 young boys founded a footballclub by the name of Frigg. 4 years later they had to change that name to IF Fløya because Frigg was already used by someone else. The junior department was created in 1929, and the women's department 2nd of June 1931. This was far ahead of its time, but it was not until 1980 that the modern influence within Northern Norwegian women's fotball gained traction.
Fløya used to have freesports, skiing, skijumping, bandy, skating, bicycling, handball and racewalking. In present day only archery is practiced alongside football.
After years of not having spesific club facilities to call "home", Fløya bought the place Ekrehagen in 1949, later we moved to Nansenplass where we stayed until we moved to Templarheimen in 1990. Finally we came to build our own facilities in 2003 where we have been ever since.
You can find us here
Dramsvegen 206, 9010 Tromsø
Fløya facilities